Thursday 1 November 2012

Week of 24 August 1953

Tuesday, 25 August

47 Hamilton Terrace

In the morning I went to the Wrens headquarters, Queen Anne's Mansions and saw a recruiting sergeant  (third officer Thornberry) about Joan. They are sending Reg an application form and brochure.

Friday, 28 August

A lovely day for my trip to Notley. I took the 10 o'clock train at Marylebone and Hester met me at Aylesbury at 11 o'clock in the Land Rover, and drove me to their little house which is like something in a fairy tale. Dickie was there to receive us, but was too busy to come with us to Studley where we had lunch and Wilma took me round farm, garden and dairy afterwards. We did not get back to Notley till latish and soon afterwards Hester drove me to Aylesbury to catch the 6.18 train back. A very happy and interesting day, but rather on the long side as it was non-stop talking.

Saturday, 29 August

A really horrid wet day culminating in downpours. After tea I got so fed up that I went off for a walk by the canal and Browning's house in drenching rain. I rang up Ringshallafter supper and told Bet about my day yesterday. All well there. Pont is down for his 3 weeks' leave.

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