Sunday 28 September 2008

1 Pelham Place SW7

Sunday, 3 January 1943
A lovely frosty morning and I went to Early Service at St Luke's Chelsea. Mabel had had a fair night but this has been a very bad day with constant nausea and able to take no nourishment. Dr Atkinson came and took a grave though not a hopeless view. We discussed getting a second opinion, and various names were suggested but the matter was left open till tomorrow.
She has been fed intestinally - the first time quite unsuccessful - better result the second time. I managed to phone to Spears to ask for the name of a first class specialist; he said what was needed was a first-class consulting physician! and that what was wanted probably was a blood transfusion.

Monday, 4 January 1943
Mabel had a fair night, only sick once, but looks terribly ill. Enid and I both decided that we would ask Dr Atkinson to arrange for a consultation (for today if possible) with a Dr D? of Guy's, recommended by Dr Knott, but this proved impossible as did other specialists. Finally a Dr Gow from Bart's came at 5.30.
He takes a grave view of Mabel, but thinks it is vital to find out the cause of this trouble, as he is sure there is more to it than pernicious anaemia.
She is to have a blood transfusion tomorrow and various tests will have to be made. Perhaps this denotes some hope but she is terribly ill. and Enid and I feel very anxious. She is quite lucid. We phoned Reg and Lil after supper. Wilma lunched here on her way back from CH. P&O are taking Philippa to her first pantomime.

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