Saturday 30 May 2009

Week of 1 May 1944

Monday, 1 May


A gorgeous day. Lunch and tea out of doors. In the evening I sowed poppies (Shirley’s double) and cornflowers in rose garden and Rocket larkspur on a path leading to farmyard. Rang up Wenham after supper. All well there. Nanny is going down to them next Monday.


Tuesday, 2 May

A lovely day. Lunch and tea out of doors. I fetched my bike from Tils and rode back on it. Felt a bit nervous but it was quite all right.


Wednesday, 3 May

A wild night and a cold windy day but it turned into a lovely evening.

The Gordon Highlanders paraded up and down St James St with their drums and bagpipes for half an hour after tea. A very fine show.

Mrs Hastings (wife of Major Lewis Hastings, the broadcaster) came to see the house. A very hurried inspection and I don’t think anything will come of it as they want to get a house by next month, and i said I wouldn't clear out before Michaelmas. Too bad of Balls and Balls to bring them here under false pretences.


Thursday, 4 May

A cold grey day. I felt tired and all overish and let Mabel go to tea with Montys without me.

The wife of a sapper colonel out in Burma came and made a lightening inspection of the house. Obviously nothing doing.


Friday, 5 May

A very cold rather unpleasant sort of day.

Coe and H Smith cut down part of the ilex trees at each side of the entrance (at Mabel’s suggestion and to her great delight), and it is a very big improvement.


Saturday, 6 May

Still very cold. Busy all day with end-of-week chores, wages, cooking joint, etc. Saw Mrs Rowland (a possible tenant for Plumb’s cottage) and arranged for her to bring her husband up to see it after tea.


Sunday, 7 May

Sharp frost but a lovely bright day.

Mabel and I went to morning church. (a very sparse congregation), and afterwards lunched at the Castle Hotel over the way.

After tea Mab and I walked over by Scotch Pastures.

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