Sunday 6 December 2009

Week of 10 June 1946

Monday, 10 June

Christ's Hospital

Another miserable day with some better intervals. Everyone felt tired and fed up. In the afternoon I rested and Pippa took the children to a fair at Horsham, and they came back plastered in mud. After tea I picked flowers to take up to town tomorrow.

Tuesday, 11 June

Christ's Hospital - 47 Hamilton Terrace

I came down to an 8 o'clock breakfast and Pips drove me to the station to catch the 9.32 train up to Victoria.

Got home about 11.30, unpacked, arranged flowers, etc., and after a snack lunch I went in and had tea with Mab after sitting with Enid for half an hour. Rang up Wenham after supper and heard that all was well there.

Wednesday, 12 June

47 Hamilton Terrace

Had a sore throat during the night and thought I might infect Lil if I drove down with her to Freda, so Enid took her instead and saw her comfortably settled in bed. I stayed indoors except for a short time after tea when the rain storms stopped, and I did a little weeding in the garden. Wilma rang up after supper. They are still at Langstone [?] but starting off on their camping trip on Friday and she expects to turn up here in about a week's time.

Thursday, 13 June

Mrs Neal came again and gave the house a capital clean.

I did some local shopping in the morning  and gardened most of the afternoon. Miss Wade came for an early tea on the loggia and took back a skirt and dress to renovate. Mrs Foster (my lodger) turned up at 5.30 and also had tea on the loggia. Afterwards she settled in; she has a very heavy cold!!

Friday, 14 June

Mabel came out to lunch and stayed for tea. Afterwards I went back with her and showed her how to make a stew, and then went over and sat with Enid for half an hour.

Saturday, 15 June

Had a morning's shopping in S Ken and got a white hat. Lunched with Mabel and came back here and rested afterwards as I felt very tired.

Sunday, 16 June

Went to Morning Service at St Mark's. In the afternoon I went out to tea with Michael and Patience Robb and hurried off afterwards to go to evensong to hear David Paton preach. But I was directed to the wrong church, so returned home, wet and disgruntled.

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