Wednesday 2 December 2009

Week of 13 May 1946

Monday, 13 May

47 Hamilton Terrace

GH rang up this morning to get a report of Lil, and went to see her in her lunch hour. I was with her for 10 minutes in the afternoon. She looked very flushed but the sister says her progress is satisfactory. GH told her she had pneumonia (one of the nurses had already blurted it out!) and she was pleased to hear the whole truth and that Dr Meadowes had said she "was holding her own". I went on to tea with Mabel and met Carine there, and afterwards went over to Enid.

The Grattan Doyles are back after a very nice week-end near Andover.

Tuesday, 14 May

Mrs Neil was here and gave my house a fine clean. I got my hair waved at McArthur's. Kathleen Hill came out in the afternoon and we went to see the Clifton nurseries, and she came back here for tea.

Mabel sat with Lil and got a good impression of her, and the sister was very re-assuring. Says it is a light case of pneumonia, but Lil herself had thought she was critically ill last night.

Wednesday, 15 May

47 Hamilton Terrace - Elmhurst Farm

Busy all morning leaving the house straight. Just before starting for Elmhurst I closed kitchen door and found I could not open it again! Was met by Reg at Horsham and reached the Forest Restaurant in time for a very good tea. He has got everything wonderfully nice and comfortable. Felt overtired and rather poorly during the evening.

Enid rang up after supper with a good account of Lil.

Thursday, 16 May

Elmhurst Farm, Slinfold

Slept badly and felt full of pains in the morning, so stayed in bed till nearly lunch-time, Reg bringing me up my breakfast, etc. Hail, thunder and lightening at lunch-time. Later it cleared and Reg drove me over to Christ's Hospital where I had tea with Pippa and the children - Oswald was up in town. Got a great welcome and Pippa drove me back to the Farm, with lots of eggs, tulips, soap [?], jam, etc. Nicky came too, and they saw all Reggie's improvements. Mab rang up after supper with a good account of Lil.

Friday, 17 May

Elmhurst Farm - 47 Hamilton Terrace

A bright morning and the Forest Restaurant looked its best, but it is still very cold. Reg drove me to the station where we met Horie. I got back here about 12 o'clock and made myself a picnic lunch, as I was not able to get into the kitchen! Martin sent a man up presently who got in from outside and put things to rights.

Was with Lil for an hour. She looks definitely less ill but is very low-spirited and seems to have no wish to live. Had tea with Mabel, and then went over to see Enid and Eve. Rang up Reg and he has arranged to see Lil on his way through London on Sunday.

Saturday, 18 May

Mabel and I lunched at Addison House. She came back here afterwards and stayed till Anne and Sarah arrived. Grattan turned up in the car about 6 o'clock and took them home.

Enid sat with Lil in the afternoon and phoned me a rather depressing account of her.

Sunday, 19 May

Carine came to lunch and greatly admired the house and my cooking!

In the afternoon a friend of the Farsons on the BBC staff came to see the basement rooms, but nothing has come of it. She was obviously not taken by them.

After tea I went to Regent's Park to see the tulips presented by the Dutch National Committee. Reg sat with Lil this afternoon. He and Aline go to Paris tomorrow.

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