Sunday 13 March 2011

Week of 1 January 1950

Sunday, 1 January

47 Hamilton Terrace

A very exhausted waking. I dragged myself to morning service but did not stay for the Communion. Hardly felt up to going to the carols at the Oratory but Dr St Aubyn is very keen that I should make more effort; so I did go and was none the worse. In fact, on coming back the depression lifted for a bit, but only for a short time. Mabel is in bed with flu.

Monday, 2 January

Pippa and Oswald slept here

Slept well but woke terribly tired. Dr St Aubyn came at 12 o'clock. He is certain that I am leading a wrong sort of life and must get fresh interests, a job if I can. Nothing is wrong organically.

Pippa arrived at 2.30 and we had a very happy time together. Oswald followed about 4 o'clock and was very pleasant. I felt much better. They had high tea and went to the theatre.

Tuesday, 3 January

Oswald slept here

I spent the morning trying unsuccessfully to get a plaid skirt for Awly, but I found one in the afternoon at Owles and Beaumont on my way to Mabel to give her her tea.

Friday, 6 January

Christa Senftleben arrived in the afternoon and we had tea together. I thought she seemed very nice and promises very well. She made me a very good omelette.

Iwent for a walk after tea, coming back by the canal. I enjoyed it and definitely felt better.

Saturday, 7 January

Christa is doing well, but her cooking is much more limited than I had gathered.

Sunday, 8 January

Christa is doing very well and is very pleasant and friendly.


1 comment:

  1. I did warn you, didn't I, that I thought the post-war diaries very depressed and depressing. Interesting that Gran's doctor thought she might benefit from a job. I think she must have been about 72 by then! It's fairly obvious that she was trying to busy herself with endless visits to sisters etc. but at the same time was being overtaken by her own ills. I wonder that none of her 4 daughters seemed aware of what was happening or felt able to intervene.
