Sunday 27 October 2013

Week of 17 December 1956

Monday, 17 December
47 Hamilton Terrace
Betty and Alice slept here
Betty, Alice and Johnny arrived about 6 o'clock. Johnny is sleeping in Awly's flat.
Tuesday, 18 December
Betty and Alice slept here
Barnaby arrived in great form and they all went off and lunched somewhere and did most successful shopping.
Wednesday, 19 December
Betty and Alice slept here
We woke to the first fog of the winter but they all got out and ignored it except me who looked after Jamie while Awly had her hair done.
The boys went over to supper with her and Betty and Alice went to the Cambridge Theatre to see The Reluctant Debutante - my birthday present to Alice who will be 15 on Saturday. I had a nice phone talk with Sarah who is spending the night with Mon before going home.
Thursday, 20 December
Alice and Johnny slept here
A day of changed plans. Sarah went by an earlier train because of the fog. Mon arrived after lunch and she and Alice went to see Oklahoma. Bet shopped hard till teatime. As she arrived James rang up to say Awly was ill, so she had no tea. A slight mishap but not serious but she must stay in bed for a few days.
Friday, 21 December
Alice and Johnny slept here
James, Jamie and Alice started for Stutton before 10 am and James and Alice got back for tea. Betty stayed with Awly till they returned. Johnny and Barnaby were out and about most of the day.
Saturday, 22 December
A hectic morning, with the packing and preparations for Bet and family's departure. They caught a 5 o'clock train for Notley. James most helpful. All the Ringshall luggage went off too. I can't imagine how Bet kept her head through it all.
Sunday, 23 December
Went to see Awly and James after tea. She was in bed but looking all right. Cove Smith had been and they are driving down to Studley early. Telephone from Pippa at Studley, Bet and Hester and Notley and Bram and Anne from Yorkshire.

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