Saturday 14 December 2013

Week of 13 May 1957

Monday, 13 May
47 Hamilton Terrace
A lovely day and quite eventful. A letter from Stella Wiles saying her sister Mary would be wanting a room and was my flat vacant? This would be a fine solution. Also one from Lil asking if I could have her on Thursday 23. I had no sooner written to say yes than Jeremy phoned to say he might be off earlier to Africa, so I told him I could arrange to have him on Saturday. Then Bram phoned to know if he could sleep here tomorrow! Then to Bridgeman. A very disappointing report. There is something wrong with my retina - nothing to do with the cataract but nothing can be done about it, so I must rely on the other eye, and the op has been for nothing.
Tuesday, 14 May
Bram slept here
Bram turned up about 1 pm and had a drink and then went over to see the Macs for a few minutes and then did some telephoning before going out to get some food. No positive results from his time at Walmer but he is hopeful that some good may come of it.
Friday, 17 May
Exciting news from Riversdale. It seems almost certain that the house is sold and they hope to come south at the end of June and to spend the summer in Dover. Bram is very hope that he will land a marine job.
Sunday, 19 May
Lil slept here
We both slept well with our different sleeping tablets. Finally, I went to morning service. Got back in time to see Jeremy who arrived at 1 o'clock and had a drink here before taking Lil to lunch at the Hyde Park Hotel. She came back for tea and met Mabel, also Mary Wilkinson, Stella Wiles' sister who came to see the basement rooms, and has taken them from June 1st.
Lovely evening and I read on the loggia.

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