Sunday 1 December 2013

Week of 15 April 1957

Monday, 15 April
Notley Mead - 47 Hamilton Terrace
A lovely morning. Wilma went back to Studley by car at 7.30 am. I wrote in the garden and packed. We lunched early and Hester drove me to Aylesbury to catch a 2.30 home. Monga came too. I reached the Hamilton before 4 o'clock to Clara's amazement and dismay. Mabel was also amazed to find me here when she looked in on her way to tea with Awly. Mab tells me that she has decided to see Dr Harris. Pont rang me up from Liverpool St en route for Germany. I phoned Reg and Bet.
Tuesday, 16 April
47 Hamilton Terrace
A lovely sunny day. Hester arrived about 10 o'clock with a lovely bunch of flowers. Then went over to Awly and they shopped and lunched before going to Under Milk Wood. Hester rang me up in the evening to say how enormously she had enjoyed it. Bet also rang up to say Ringshall was let from 10th May for a year. Very satisfactory.
Thursday, 18 April
Exciting news from Anne. They quite think they have sold Riversdale.
Saturday, 20 April
I was busy in the morning, catering for the weekend, Easter eggs for Clara and Elizabeth Atwell next door etc. etc.
Later I rang up Anne. No forrader about the sale of the house but Bram is going down to Dover on the 29th to his brother Roy who is hopeful he can find him a job.

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