Thursday, 31 March 2016

Week of 25 January 1960

Monday, 25 January
47 Hamilton Terrace
Reg slept here
Slept all right but woke completely exhausted and only got up in time for lunch. Bet came back for it, but not Reg.
Got home soon after 6 o'clock and found Bet and Pont here, but Pont went off after a drink. Reg just saw him on his return from having tea with Mabel.
Bet saw to our supper and we were a very pleasant threesome.
Bet has got a job (half-day) at Unilivers canteen in Portman Square and is to start tomorrow!
Tuesday, 26 January
Reg and Bet slept here
Bet put in her first day's work at Hesketh House, Portman Sq. and came back in time for tea, saying it had been fun and she was not overtired.
Pont arrived a few minutes later saying he was in the dumps and he certainly seemed so! Bet and he went off soon after to a cinema which I hope will pull him round.
Reg gave me a very pleasant meal at the Minute Grill in the Regent Palace?
Thursday, 28 January
Reg and Bet slept here
No Ina today but Bet saw to everything before starting for her work - beds, washing up, laying fire, seeing to boiler etc.
Lunched with Enid and sat and sat with her for a couple of hours, but came back here for tea with Bet. We have had a very nice tête à tête together. 
Friday, 29th January
Reg and Bet slept here
Rested and had tea upstairs. Pont came in for a drink, and he and Bet went off to take his sister out to dinner. Phonned Pippa. I felt worried about her for fear it might be jaundice but she seems definitely better.
Saturday, 30th January
Bet and Pont slept here
Reg caught the 11.18 train to Horsham. Bet had left already to meet Pont, and she drove with him to Windsor for golf. They got back in time for a luscious high tea with a barbecue chicken and found me sound asleep.
Wireless and papers full of de Gaulle's speech. It almost looks as if it was going to work.
Sunday 31st January
Bet slept her
Bet and Pont drove off to Beaumont at 11 am with picnic lunch and golf clubs - met a delighted Barnaby and had a very happy day. Home before 7 pm but Pont only stayed to pick up his things and have a drink. Monga is six today. They have been in the country but Huss rang up in the morning and said she was delighted with all her presents.
Phoned Nicky this evening to get news of Pippa, but heard from Libby she was not expected back till 10 o'clock, so asked her to phone me in the morning.
Rather better news from Algiers.

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