Saturday, 2 April 2016

Week of 8 February 1960

Monday, 8 February
47 Hamilton Terrace
Bet and Pont slept here
Bet better but cancelled work and stayed in bed till teatime. Down for the arrival of Pips and Tig. Pips looking so well. Delightful to have her. Pont was here for an hour going through papers with Bet. Pips had only met him once years ago, so of course would not have known him but found hi quite easy and pleasant.
Tuesday, 9 February
Pippa and Bet slept here
Bet went to her work and was none the worse for it. She got back in time for tea after trying in vain to buy me a plate rack. Pont came and fetched her to dine with his sister, Olga. Great progress in the kitchen and it will be finished tomorrow thank goodness.
Pippa had a hairdo at Evans at 9.45 - bought some things at Maternally Yours by Pounce, and then lunched with Capt Mackintosh in his huge flat in the House of Lords, and met his daughter and of course Nicky. She got back in time to take the Tig for a run in Regent's Park before tea.
Wednesday, 10 February
Betty slept here
Pippa lunched here after a very successful morning's shopping, and she and Tigger left for Orchard House after 2 o'clock.
I rested during the afternoon, and Hester unexpectedly buzzed in when I was half asleep - and a few minutes later the M's whom she had left in the car.
Thursday, 11 February
Betty slept here
Moore removed his impediments today and I paid the bill, and we are back in the kitchen again - delighted. Pont arrived and said there was something wrong with the car but it should be all right tomorrow in time for their trip to Ramsgate. Pont cheered up after masses of strong tea
Bet back in time to iron things before drinks. She has heard their dog [the wonderful Tinker] is very ill with an ulcer in quarantine.
Friday, 12 February
Bet said goodbye at 10 o'clock, as she was meeting Pont after her work to drive down to Ramsgate for the weekend.
Sunday, 14 February
Betty slept here
Bet and Pont turned up with all the luggage from Ramsgate. After tea they went to a newsreel. I phoned Hester and asked her to come along for supper which she did. Just the three of us as Pont did not stay for it.

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